Brisbane tenants now get water updates

Home owners in Brisbane have been getting updates on how much water they have been using for a while. However as tenants, this information goes to our landlord. I have often wondered how much water we actually do use but have never been bothered enough to check the water meter. The BCC have decided to send water updates to tenants and we got our first one in the mail today.

I’m proud to say that we are way below the 140L a day per person that we are meant to be using and also way below the average for both the area and the whole of Brisbane.

April fools jokes that gave me a chuckle…

Another april fools over, here are a few of the ones that made me smile.

Guild wars turned us into stickmen:


Avairy launches dodo

Google announces gDay in Australia (, a new beta search technology that will search web pages 24 hours before they are created.

Google Docs – A little easter egg was added, where a user can click the file menu and directly under new document is “New Airplane” which immediately opens a copy of a Google branded paper airplane.

more google ones on wiki

Think geek (these guys always crack me up) My favourites below..

It’s Pink!

When we decided to get the 64gig Solid State HD for the laptop, we planned to get a USB powered HD to go with it for carrying things like music, photos and large project files etc. I went shopping today and discovered the 160gig model came in pink! I was planning on getting a 250gig model but decided to sacrifice the 90gig for cute :)


The hard drive is tiny! It fits nicely into any bag carrying the laptop and powersupply. It comes with its own little black sleeve, which has a spot for the usb cable (so I don’t lose it!).