Farewell Tosh

My parent’s in law puli passed away today.
He was a loving, loyal and gentle family member and will be sorely missed.

Dear Tosh,
You came into our family as a cautious, scared 4 year old after having a rough life, yet that didn’t stop your ability to love and trust us. We saw you grow from a timid teenager to a calm distinguished old gentleman. Everytime we came to visit, you were the first to welcome us. We will miss having your nose nudge our hand for a scratch, your snuggles when lying down, your watchfullness over all family members, your help in the kitchen, your refereeing of anyone fighting and even your singing.

We will miss having you around as we continue on our journey, however we understand that we were blessed to have you in our lives for so long.

Love you Toshie and you will live on in our memories,

Author: Carly (Admin)

Geek, Sewer, Baker and soon to be mum. I enjoy learning and creating and are constantly filling my life with new challenges.

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