An old favourite is back up and running

For a while this site has been broken with only one letter showing. I was talking to some friends and remembered it and looked it up to find that it was working again.

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Something to make you smile

Hit the random page on the side or check out the australian pages.

If you are not looking for a laugh but real content then I suggest you stick to Wikipedia

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Blitzers Guild wars website

Well I am finally on a well deserved holiday. Actually I have been on it for a week and a day now but we will forget that. Over this time I have been doing many relaxing things and also building the guild wars blitzers guilds website. It is finally looking like a full website. I still have to build the dynamic members page but this can happen slowly.

Some of the neat features of the website…

The home page news is generated from the forum which allows all council members to post news items and allows all other members to post replies to news which won’t affect the home page. Sound familiar? well yes it is the same script used for the band website, but scripts are always great when they are reused. I also added a latest post from the forum to the front page.

The gallery is the coppermine gallery. We tried a few but this one impressed me the most. It has the ability to sit standalone or be integrated into a range of forums including phpbb. This was the final winner because I was going to edit the code of the one we chose to do the same thing 🙂

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Ethan’s Christening

I went to my little cousin’s christening this morning. The ceromony was nice and Ethan was really funny when he decided that he wanted to splash in the holy water. The hairstyle is after the priest messed it up with water 🙂


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Anyone want to buy an island

Was visiting google siteseeing and there was a post abuot Little Cumrae which is an island off scotland for sale. So I got to thinking about what other islands were for sale and a quick google search returned me a site all about islands for sale.

Bamborough Island
looks nice if anybody is interested in birthday present ideas 😀

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Web cams on a big scale

You can check out where it is sunny at the current time with the world sunlight map. Even after google earth and many satilite images there is still something special about seeing the world map.

There are also other web cam feeds on the site including one from australia that is watching a spider.

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