GMT calculator

I know I just posted, but I just remembered that I created a very simple GMT time calculator a little while ago. There are plenty out on the net but they all get very complex and never really gave me what I wanted which was to have a destination time, destination gmt, my gmt and work out what time that would mean for me since there I need to calculate this for in game meetings and although it is a simple calculation it never seems it when I am tired, which odly is the time that I am calculating game times.

There is limited validation but your not meant to try to break it only use it.
Here is the link:

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Lots of reading and many plans

Caught up on a bit of reading tonight.

A new article on list apart about detecting an incoming user from a search engine and highlighting the words that they searched for.

This lead me on to the following fabulous tutorial on regular expressions. Something that I have been meaning to get better at but have not thought about until the occasion that I have to do a large search replace function and wish I knew. Now all I have to do is remember to practice so that it sticks in my memory
Information and Tutorials

PHP syntax

I have started to create a cheat sheet combining all information. Ill post it when I’m done.

Other interesting articles I have read today iclude one the artwork of creating an icon

Where has the night gone. I had aimed to do so much more tonight. Oh well there is always tomorrow. I am aiming on updating my image scripts used for my portfolio and the photos pages to have a next and previous feature.

Till next time,
Keep smiling and don’t forget your towel.

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Everything back to normal

Or mostly, whats normal anyway

The installation went smoothly and changing the template was simple. I must say that Im really really really happy with word press, everything is simple and clean. The page style is now controlled by my website style sheet, which allows me to still implement the choose your own style feature later (probably a lot later). Having the blog will now allow me to update and manage my news easier and will prompt me to continue posting.

There is still a few display issues with IE. As this is my fun site and I’m meant to be having fun with it you can either install firefox or wait for me to get around to fixing the issue.

Im considering installing this for the front of my bands website to manage the news, on other thoughts I will probably continue down the plan of writing a script to pull the news from the forum. It will take longer initially but will probably be easier to manage.

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Just installed Word press

I have just installed word press and are looking at customising it to the look of the site. I thought it might be easier to use a blogging tool instead of manually update my news all the time.

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