
That’s how I felt tonight, well honestly how I’ve been feeling a lot this week. Anyway with some of the things I ‘had’ to do out of the way, I decided to take the night off and do some sewing. I tried to continue some of the applique work but my concentration levels were just not high enough. I then decided that I wanted to make a soft toy lorikeet (random thought) and after drawing up a pattern, I realised I didn’t have any bright green or yellow fleece. So I decided to make a crab since I had red fleece.

Here is the final result.

He is pretty rushed as tonight I didn’t focus on quality but just wanted to create.
I made up the pattern and went for it. Those little feet take forever to turn the right way around!

Andrew likes his new crab and I’m happy I got to spend a few hours being creative.

About Carly (Admin)

I'm a multimedia developer based in Brisbane. I work for an elearning firm and code my own projects in the wee small hours between eating, sleeping and working.
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