Day 0 was definately adventurous! There were some real highlights and real stressful moments.
Andrew and I both woke up feeling under the weather. Andrew was still pretty warn out from a family visit Sunday and to add to that, it looks like I picked up the cold going around. The heavy rain didn’t make getting up any easier, however we pulled ourselves together, got the last things packed and headed off to the airport nice and early since we weren’t sure of traffic. It was a pretty scary cab trip as you could only see for the split second the windscreen wiper passed by but the cab driver did really well!
So 12:45 came around for our 1:00 flight when the lovely anouncement came over the loud speaker to say our plane was cancelled and that we were to go pack up our baggage and proceed to the checkin lines. We got on the 4:00 flight, which left at 4:30. We were meant to be in Sydney at the codewars event at 6, but luckily we weren’t the only ones effected by the rain.
Flying through the clouds with the afternoon flight was amazing. Unfortunately due to turbulance, the seatbelt and no electronic devices was on for a while and therefore no pretty photos ๐
I started to relax a little once we finally made it to the crown plaza about 6:30pm
A little description about code wars. 8 teams compete 1vs1 in knockout rounds. The first was a first past the post problem, the second a creative audience vote and the third a harder first past the post problem.

The tane coaders were up first!
Our problem was to solve a rot 14 cypher, which isn’t too hard, but when you have the pressure of the crowd and time… things take a little longer to process.

Our competing team realised that we were close and so tried to cheat by typing out the answer into a string.

We were still faster then the other team and got through to the next round.

After waiting for all the other rounds to be played (a couple of hours) our next challenge, I loaded up the laptop only to be greeted by a lovely boot error. The computer had crashed before I shut it down and I had left it. We swapped order in the competition to see if we could fix it. I was pretty stressed, because while codewars didn’t matter that much, my presentation was on the following morning and a laptop is kind of helpful to present a technical presentation with. Luckily I had packed the leather pack that came with my laptop that has all the installation CDs as I had to repair windows.
So with a working laptop, we stepped up for our round. The challenge was to build a carbon calculator for webdu in 15min. We used flash and drew pretty trees along with a couple of ‘interesting’ questions for the calculator. Our
mascot also made a return. Our app and mascot vs a plain flex app won the audience over and we passed easily into the final round.

So at 11:00pm we finally got to the last round. Given this string “1012111023409050101240632200100201372191001001019110218010143071” we had to find the least score path through the square maze. 0 being tiles you could not cross and the other numbers adding to your score. We got it into a grid and the functions to check to move left/right etc, when I realised that it was far easier on paper. About a min out from having the final answer using excel and paper, the other team solved it using python. Well done to ‘the last minute blues’ on their code wars win. Enjoy the trophy for the year!
We finally got to our hotel room at 12:30 to discover all our checked in luggage was soaked. I hadn’t thought of it, but they don’t cover the baggage getting onto the plane. I guess that is a lesson for next time…
About Carly (Admin)
I'm a multimedia developer based in Brisbane. I work for an elearning firm and code my own projects in the wee small hours between eating, sleeping and working.